- AlertNew Jersey Further Extends the COVID-19 Special Enrollment Period04.12.2021
- Firm NewsLauren Fenton-Valdivia of Bressler, Amery & Ross Named an Honoree for Daily Business Review’s Florida Legal Awards 202104.08.2021
- AlertArkansas Modifies Its Financial Exploitation Report and Hold Statute04.08.2021
- AlertNebraska Enacts Broker-Dealer and Investment Adviser Financial Exploitation Law04.08.2021
- AlertNew York Legalizes Adult Use Cannabis04.06.2021
- AlertPrivate Placements Coming Under Increased Scrutiny03.31.2021
- AlertNew Jersey Greenlights Employer - Mandated COVID Vaccinations – With Some Important Exceptions03.30.2021
- Firm NewsBressler, Amery & Ross Lands Stephen Shine Former Chief Regulatory Counsel at Prudential Financial03.29.2021
- AlertCOBRA Subsidy to Ease Pandemic Impact But Consider the Cost to Employers03.25.2021
- Firm News15 Bressler Attorneys Recognized as 2021 Super Lawyers in New Jersey03.23.2021
- AlertAffidavit of Merit May No Longer Be Required for Claims of Vicarious Liability in New Jersey03.19.2021
- AlertNew Jersey Supreme Court Affirms Appellate Division Opinion In First Published Opinion Concerning New Jersey Pregnant Workers Fairness Act03.18.2021
- AlertBressler Hosts Inaugural Hearings in Review Webinar on the New Age of Virtual Trials03.16.2021
- Firm NewsBressler, Amery & Ross Expands Business & Commercial Litigation Practice with Addition of Loren Pierce03.15.2021
- AlertESG Task Force, Emerging Risk Team, Exam Priorities for 2021 and Other Highlights from the SEC03.11.2021
- AlertThere's A New Sheriff In Town03.09.2021
- Firm NewsKathryn Burfitt Rockwood Appointed as Chair of the Securities Committee for the Morris County Bar Association03.05.2021
- AlertAlabama Limits COVID-19 Liability02.25.2021
- AlertKey Takeaways from ABA Panel on FINRA’s 2021 Exam Findings and Regulatory Priorities02.23.2021
- RecognitionBressler is a 2020 Recipient of the ABA Military Pro Bono Project Outstanding Services Award02.23.2021
- Alert2021 DFS Cybersecurity Filing Requirements Clarified by NY DFS - Certification of Compliance Due April 15, 202102.05.2021
- AlertFINRA Publishes 2021 Enforcement Priorities and Exam Findings Report02.03.2021
- Firm NewsAlex Sabo to Chair FSDA Legislative Committee02.02.2021
- AlertNew Jersey Creates an extended Covid Open Enrollment Period02.01.2021
- AlertNew Jersey's State Senate Passes a Bill to Curb Unfair Automobile Insurance Rates01.29.2021
- AlertNew FINRA Rule 3241 Regulating Representatives Being Named as Beneficiaries of, or Holding Positions of Trust for, Customers Takes Effect February 15, 202101.28.2021
- AlertFebruary 1, 2021 Deadline: Mandatory Registration for New York Investment Advisers01.20.2021
- Firm NewsBressler, Amery & Ross Managing Principal Appointed to Literacy Council of Central Alabama Board of Directors01.15.2021
- AlertFederal District Court Rejects Employer’s Attempt to Rely on Covid-19 Pandemic as “Natural Disaster” or “Unforeseeable Business Circumstance” To Justify a Departure from WARN Act’s Notice Requirement01.14.2021
- Firm NewsBressler, Amery & Ross Expands Texas Securities Litigation Practice with Addition of John Kincade01.11.2021
- Firm NewsJessica Gonzalez Voted "Millennial of the Month" by Millennials for NJ01.08.2021
- AlertMandatory Paid Leave Ends with the Expiration of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)01.06.2021
- AlertMaxine Waters Presses Biden to Rescind Reg BI01.05.2021
- Firm NewsBressler, Amery & Ross Promotes 8 Attorneys to Principal, Counsel01.04.2021
- Firm NewsJessica Gonzalez Quoted in Curbed Article on Cannabis Legalization in NJ01.04.2021
- AlertThe SEC Adopts a Modernized Marketing Rule and the Testimonial Prohibition is No Longer12.28.2020
- AlertRequiring Employees to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine: Guidance Employers Have Been Waiting For?12.21.2020
- Firm NewsJessica Gonzalez Quoted in Law360 Article on Social Equity and NJ Marijuana Legalization12.15.2020
- AlertNew & Noteworthy for FINRA Enforcement: What’s Happening in the Field?12.14.2020
- Firm NewsBressler, Amery & Ross Managing Principal to Chair Property Committee of the Federal Association for Insurance Reform Board of Directors12.10.2020
- AlertSecond Texas Federal Court Holds “Intent to Deceive” Not a Required Element of Claim for Rescission of Life Insurance Policy in Effect for Less Than Two Years12.07.2020
- Firm News7 Bressler Attorneys Recognized by Mid-South Super Lawyers in 202011.30.2020
- AlertUpdate on FINRA Virtual Awards: A Wave of $0s11.23.2020
- Firm NewsFrank Cuccio Quoted in Law.com's Mid-Market Report11.19.2020
- RecognitionBressler, Amery & Ross Litigator Angela Turiano Recognized for Work on Behalf of American Bar Association’s Woman Advocate Committee11.17.2020
- Firm NewsDiana Manning of Bressler, Amery & Ross Named a Top Woman in Law by the New Jersey Law Journal11.06.2020
- Firm NewsBressler Recognized by U.S. News - Best Lawyers "Best Law Firms" 2021 Rankings11.05.2020
- Firm NewsBenjamin J. DiLorenzo Installed as Secretary/Treasurer of the Trial Attorneys of New Jersey11.05.2020
- AlertGovernor Murphy Narrows the Gap Between Public and Private Employers During COVID-1910.29.2020
- AlertNew York Proposes Regulations for Hemp Products10.29.2020