- AlertPresident Trump Issues Memorandum Ordering a Review, But Not a Delay, of the Department of Labor's Fiduciary Rule02.07.2017
- PublicationFINRA Update: Task Force Recommendations and Rule Changes02.06.2017
- PublicationFINRA Update: Another Busy Year for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority02.06.2017
- PublicationCareer Progression – Moving Sideways and Diagonally to Move Forward01.30.2017
- AlertThird Circuit Affirms Rescission of Insurance Policy Under NY Law Based On Failure to Fully Disclose Prior Losses In Policy Application01.30.2017
- Publication2017’s Top Twenty Legal Trends for Automobile Dealers01.19.2017
- PublicationEmbracing Your True Female Self as a Pathway to Success01.18.2017
- AlertRecent NJ Personal Injury Verdicts and Settlements01.16.2017
- PublicationACA Repeal Should Lead Insurers Back to Free Market01.13.2017
- PublicationCircuit Split Widens on Application of SEC Statute of Limitations01.13.2017
- PublicationFree Houses? Recent Trends in Foreclosure Litigation01.12.2017
- AlertFINRA President and CEO Robert W. Cook Speaks on his “Listening Tour” and New Initiatives01.11.2017
- PublicationN.Y. Flexes Muscle Again with Proposal to Banish Bankers01.09.2017
- AlertLegislation to Delay Implementation of ERISA Fiduciary Rule and Best Interest Contract Exemption Introduced in Congress01.09.2017
- AlertNot so fast! Court Dismisses Member Firm’s Challenge to FINRA Authority01.06.2017
- AlertUnited States Court of Federal Claims Certifies a Class in ACA Litigation01.05.2017
- AlertFINRA Issues 2017 Exam Priorities Letter01.04.2017
- AlertU.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Changes to Form I-912.22.2016
- AlertNJ Department of Banking and Insurance Issues a Bulletin Addressing the Provision of Pharmacy Services, Prescription Drugs or Prescription Drug Plans in the Individual and Small Employer Markets12.21.2016
- AlertRecent NY Guidance to Life Insurers on Annuity Sales and Replacements12.21.2016
- PublicationYou May Want to Escape NJ's Doctrine of Necessaries12.19.2016
- AlertD.C. Circuit Refuses to Enjoin ERISA Fiduciary Rule and Best Interest Contract Exemption Pending Appeal12.15.2016
- AlertThe Supreme Court Reaffirms Dirks and RejectsNewman’s Personal Benefit Test for Friends and Family12.14.2016
- PublicationOnly as Good as the Folks Who Participate12.01.2016
- AlertTexas Court Blocks DOL Overtime Rule Derailing Doubling of Minimum Salary Threshold11.23.2016
- AlertCMS Reports 2015 Risk Corridor Collections To Be Used To Pay 2014 Liabilities11.22.2016
- AlertTrump’s Victory Unlikely to Affect DOL’s Minimum Salary Rule Rollout on December 1, But Expect Changes in the Next Year11.18.2016
- AlertDistrict Court Rejects Challenge to ERISA Fiduciary Rule and Best Interest Contract Exemption11.09.2016
- AlertU.S. DOJ and FTC Condemn No Poaching and Wage Fixing Agreements and Information Exchanges In Recently Released Guidance To HR Professionals11.03.2016
- PublicationMore to Give New Jersey10.31.2016
- AlertWhat Happens in CA Stays in CA: CA Bans Out of State Forum Selection Clauses in Employment Contracts10.28.2016
- AlertEEOC and OFCCP Adopt Final Rule Modifying EEO-1 Reports to Require Submission of Wage Information by Gender and Ethnic Group Classifications09.30.2016
- AlertSummary of Key Provisions of NY DFS’ Cybersecurity Requirements for Financial Services Companies09.29.2016
- AlertNY Federal Court Compels Insured’s Affiliated Entities To Arbitrate Insurance Dispute09.28.2016
- PublicationOn War and Politics09.20.2016
- AlertNo Waiver of Late Notice Defense for Failure to Include it in a Disclaimer Letter09.19.2016
- PublicationHow CMS Plans to Steady An Unstable ACA Marketplace09.16.2016
- AlertHouse Financial Services Committee Approves Bill Voiding ERISA Fiduciary Rule and Best Interest Contract Exemption09.14.2016
- AlertState Regulators Place Health Republic Insurance of NJ Into Rehabilitation09.13.2016
- AlertNJ District Court Modifies Arbitration Award Where Arbitrator Exceeds Authority09.13.2016
- PublicationNAIC Focusing on Large Deductible Workers' Compensation09.09.2016
- AlertNew CMS Regulatory Proposal is Designed to Fortify Struggling Insurance Exchanges09.06.2016
- AlertCould Your Written Warnings Land You in Hot Water?09.01.2016
- AlertFINRA Warns Against the Use of Forum Selection Provisions in Predispute Arbitration Agreements09.01.2016
- AlertD.C. Circuit Holds SEC Administrative Law Judges Are Not Officers Under the Appointments Clause of the U.S. Constitution08.19.2016
- AlertThird Circuit Addresses Definition of "Investment Adviser" for the First Time08.17.2016
- AlertNJDOBI Issues Orders Addressing Life Insurance and Annuity Products08.15.2016
- PublicationCooperation Credit in Enforcement Proceedings: The Importance of Independence08.08.2016
- AlertNJ Supreme Court Holds Amendment to No-Fault Act Applies Prospectively08.04.2016
- PublicationSix Tips to Stay Connected to Your Professional Network08.01.2016