
Bressler’s Class Action Practice Group combines substantial class action experience and significant subject matter knowledge with thoughtful, strategic, and creative approaches to clients in a wide range of businesses and industries.

Defending class actions demands a specialized skill set cultivated through decades of experience. For nearly 40 years, our litigation team has provided skilled representation to financial institutions, individuals, corporations, insurance companies, and other business entities. Our Class Action Litigation attorneys have represented defendants in numerous high-stakes state, national, and multi-district class actions, as well as in complex mass tort litigation throughout the country.


Bressler litigators regularly defend complex class actions in a wide array of disciplines. Our lawyers have litigated class actions involving state and federal consumer protection statutes, insurance statutes and regulations, state and federal employment laws, antitrust and franchise violations, securities, RICO claims, environmental issues, data protection, privacy, and product liability. Our attorneys also have experience in class actions related to lender-placed hazard insurance claims handling practices and a class action alleging damages in the form of diminished property value arising from environmental contamination.

Our clients in class action cases span every industry, including retail, financial services, insurance, real estate, energy, healthcare, transportation and franchising. Bressler’s dynamic and multidimensional team of Class Action Attorneys provides the trial experience, legal skills, resources, and personal attention needed to defend large-scale litigation. 


Bressler also has substantial experience before the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) and in handling litigation consolidated by it. Our attorneys have handled MDLs related to state consumer protection statutes, auto parts, data breaches, car carrier transportation claims, marketing practices, product liability litigation, environmental litigation, and asbestos claims.

When it comes to high-stakes litigation, few types of cases pose a more significant threat to a company than class-action lawsuits or the prospect of an MDL. Our Class Action Litigation and MDL team provide a full spectrum of guidance and perspective that goes beyond a company’s needs in the courtroom and  provide critical strategy designed to mitigate the risk of regulatory investigations and regulatory litigation which often arises from class action litigation.  Bressler’s veteran Class Action and MDL litigation attorneys offer the experience and resources needed to guide our clients through these most challenging litigation scenarios.


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